42 Questions to ask your boyfriend.
1) What song do you think describes you and your life the best?
His answer : Listen to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgRAMUxk-_c
2) What was your reaction when you saw me for the first time?
His answer : I felt calm and composed. I know you will be a good companion, I just wished it was me whom you will choose.
3) If you could have any new ability, what would it be?
His answer : To absorb information without forgetting.
4) If you were a movie star, what kind of movies would you star in?
His answer : Pandorum.
5) If you had to lose one of your five senses, which would you choose?
His answer : Smell, I'm not a cook.
His answer : Nowhere, bahaya jalan2 invisible nanti kena langgar kereta.
7) If today was your last day on Earth, how would you spend it?
His answer : Am I alone? If not it will be spend with my loved ones, no matter where it is.
8) As a kid, which TV character did you have a crush on?
His answer : Mary Jane, because I like spiderman.
9) If you could trade jobs with anyone in the world, who would it be?
His answer : A beggar across the streets, I want to see what it felts to be on the other side, so that I will feel more grateful with the job I have.
10) If you were the president for a day, what would you do with your presidential power?
His answer : Convey a discussion with world leaders, try to solve the petty issue with a simple forgive and forget method.
He makes me smile when reading all his answers. Will update his other answers later. ^_^
rajin dia mnjawb yek
Ezan : Nak taknak dye kena jawab jugak kalau tak kena cekik. =P
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